Date Form Description PDF XBRL Pages
05/19/14 8-K Current report filing PDF 6
05/16/14 POS EX Post-effective amendment filed solely to add exhibits to a registration statement PDF 57
05/15/14 8-A12B Form for the registration / listing of a class of securities on a national securities exchange pursuant to Section 12(b)
PDF 14
05/14/14 497 Definitive materials filed under paragraph (a), (b), (c), (d), (e) or (f) of Securities Act Rule 497 PDF 367
05/14/14 497AD Filing by certain investment companies of Securities Act Rule 482 advertising in accordance with Securities Act Rule 497 PDF 2
05/13/14 N-23C-2 Notice by closed-end investment companies of intention to call or redeem their own securities under Investment Company Act Rule 23c-2 PDF 3
05/12/14 497AD Filing by certain investment companies of Securities Act Rule 482 advertising in accordance with Securities Act Rule 497 PDF 2
05/12/14 497 Definitive materials filed under paragraph (a), (b), (c), (d), (e) or (f) of Securities Act Rule 497 PDF 367
04/30/14 10-Q Quarterly report pursuant to Section 13 or 15(d) PDF 69
04/30/14 8-K Current report filing